
Profound transformations in just one QHHT or BQH session through a strong connection with your higher self! 

Level 2 QHHT Session (4-6 hours) in Person by Appointment Only in Arizona $400

AO Scan:
Balancing Harmonics: $25
Body Systems: $35
Comprehensive: $99
Targeted: $25 for 3
(1 Free 15 minute Phone consultation)

BrainTap Session in person:

BQH Session
(Beyond Quantum Healing)
$500 worldwide-Online

BQH Or Beyond Quantum Healing

BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) is a heart-based, intention-based method of healing that was founded by Candace Craw-Goldman and is the evolution of the work of the legendary Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) of the late great Dolores Cannon. BQH involves hypnosis and deep relaxation to explore “current”, “past” and “future” lifetimes on Earth and throughout the multiverse.

The client connects with aspects of self, including the Higher Self, Subconscious or Super-conscious, Spirit Guides, Angels, High Counsels, Ascended Masters, Star Families, Source, other lifetimes, parallel lifetimes and other benevolent beings in order to gain knowledge, find healing, and receive guidance for questions and issues in the current lifetime.

Anything is possible within a BQH session! You will be shown exactly what you need and what is in your highest good at this time in your current life. You may even receive wisdom from your future self as an Ascended Master! What is your life purpose? What are the lessons you set up for yourself in this life? Who is in your current life that was present in other lifetimes? What physical, mental, emotional or energetic limitations, challenges or traumas are present in your current life that you would like to heal or transcend? What relationships are causing you issues or questions? What life path or career is most beneficial for you as we move into the New Earth? What guidance does your Soul impart? Any question from the mundane to the multi-dimensional is appropriate in a BQH session!

Each session includes:

Sessions are typically 3.5 hours long, but may run as long as 4 hours. This is a time commitment that shows your intention of evolving, integrating and moving forward in alignment with your Soul’s purpose in this life. 

Each session is recorded and the client will get a copy. 

 I offer online BQH sessions via Zoom where you will be relaxing in the comfort of your own home. You will be gently guided into a hypnotic state. And by the way, hypnosis is simply deep relaxation or meditation that you naturally reach several times during your day! 

Some will remember much of the session. Others will not remember much at all. It all depends on what your spiritual team designs for your highest good! There is always a perfect orchestration of events!

Who is BQH for?

  • For those on a personal and spiritual journey of Self-Discovery and Healing.
  • For those into their Spiritual awakening
  • Feeling lost like you don’t belong anywhere
  • You have questions about your life and your relationships.
  • You feel stuck, and you want to grow personally and/or spiritually.
  • Feeling like you were meant for something, but you are not sure what is it
  • Feeling like a past trauma or blockage is ready to emerge and be released/healed, but you are not sure what it is or how to let it go.